Our New Normal
Posted on 27th April 2020 at 10:01
We are a few weeks into lockdown now and it really has been a curious time. Initially I found the ‘new normal’ difficult to settle into but a few weeks down the line and life is finding a new rhythm.
At MoodWise we are now doing all our sessions online using Zoom. Online sessions are not for everyone, but we are getting lots of positive feedback from our clients and we are enjoying using the platform.
We are living in times of great uncertainty and this is something that we will all find difficult. It can be helpful to explore just what is within our control so that we can put a little certainty into life. Making decisions that directly affect us can be beneficial in reducing some of the anxiety that comes along with uncertainty. So, think about planning of your meals during the week; the books you are going to read; the people you want to call; what you will do for relaxation and exercise. Small decisions can reap big rewards in terms of helping us feel in control. This is also a really good time to consider the impact your activities have on your mood. Try to choose activities that have an antidepressant effect and lift your mood rather than things that frustrate or annoy you and send you into a tailspin.
It is also important to think about your information diet. There is so much COVID-19 information available that it can be overwhelming. Consider the sources you use for your daily information diet and try to use reliable sources like Public Health England. Watch out for ‘fake news’ and limit the time you spend watching the news or browsing for information. It can also be helpful to find some positive and uplifting stories during the week. Stories like Captain Tom Moore’s walk and all the acts of kindness that are currently happening are truly good for the soul.
If, however, you are struggling with your mood or you are feeling anxious then contact us and together we will consider how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy might be able to help.
Tagged as: COVID-19
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